Sound Healing​ with Brent
Good Vibrations!
Men’s Weekly Support Group
Wednesdays 6:30-8 pm PT
One of my big prayers as an elder is helping men with purpose and balance. This group offers support for staying present and relaxing into more joyful and peaceful lives.
Facilitated by Brent Johnson

I am a 60 year old recovering man. I've trained and worked in addiction recovery full time for 7 years. Many who find me in the different arenas of my diverse lifestyle have opened up to me, shared their struggles and asked for my counsel. It has been like this for years. I look forward to holding this Men's Group with the intention of healing, learning from and supporting each other.
I'm happily married for 31 years and father a 23 year old son, 3 year old grandson and 2 precious cats. I live in Marin, CA and am active in a Lakota community of chosen relations. I am a sound healer and lifelong musician. I love baseball and coached my son and other youths for 18 seasons. I love spirit, family, life and good friends.
Our ongoing Zoom Support & Counseling Group begins Wednesday, May 29th. We meet 4 times per month. Sound healing and active listening will be an aspect of the group time. Comfortable headphones recommended. Limited to 8 men. Secure your space today!